For Welact 4 4P, 4M, 4F, 4H And 4PLC actuators several controls have available according to customer needs.
SCAS-W210-12 / 24: Control system simple actuators for families W4-4P.
SCACR-W210-12 / 24: Actuators Control System with cordless remote control to families W4-4P
SCACD-W2 / 10: Actuators Control System with Remote for families W4-4P.
SCACDEH-W2 / 10: Actuators Control System with remote control EH W4-4P family.
SPA-W210-12 / 24 System Power Actuators M, H, PLC versions.
SCAPLC-W4-12 / 24 Actuators Control System with PLC wiring.
Recall that all models of control boxes have a thermal protection to prevent the motor from overheating.